Once your order ships out, you will receive an automated email confirming that your order has shipped. This email will also contain the tracking number for your order. As a reminder, here are the general estimates of when your order will ship out:
- Made to Order (MTO) items may take 7-9 business days to process and ship.
- Items listed as “Available Now” may take 7-9 business days to process and ship.
- Pre-orders that have been “Order Confirmed” may take up to 1-2 business weeks to process and ship.
The actual delivery date of your order will depend on the country being shipped to, as well as the shipping method and carrier selected at checkout. If any production issues arise, your order could be delayed. If your order is delayed by more than 2 months, we will send you an email notification.
Please contact us within 30 days if a tracking number has been assigned to your order but you have not received the order yet. If you contact us after the 30 day window, we will not be able to assist with that order