If you need to update your shipping address, you must do so for each individual order. Please log into your account, go to the Order History page, and click on the Order you wish to edit. If an order can have edits made to it, a link will appear at the bottom of the order. Just click the link and follow the instructions to make whatever changes you need to. Please take note that updating an order will void any promotions or shipping fees that were charged during your original checkout. You will be charged a new shipping rate at the time of the update.
If a link to edit the order does not appear, please contact our support team by submitting a ticket here: https://help.goodsmileus.com/support/home. When you submit a ticket, make sure you include your Order Number in addition to the new address you would like us to ship to.
Please remember that we are unable to alter your order in any way once a tracking number has been assigned to the order. We are also unable to reroute the package once it has shipped. If your order has been delivered to an old address, you will need to start a claim with the shipping carrier as we cannot offer refunds or replacements for those deliveries.